Ocean Fishing:
- Overfishing has depleted the world’s fish populations to such an extent that it is believed that there will be no fish left in the oceans after 2048.
- Approximately 60% of the fish caught in trawler nets are discarded as ‘by-catch’. Of these, many are dead by the time they reach the water again. Up to 800,000 tons of marine animals are thrown back from fishing boats each year in the North Sea alone, amounting to around one-third of the region’s entire catch.
- When taken from the sea involuntarily, their swim bladders inflate and crush other organs.
- Empty Oceans: Is the world running out of fish?
- Seaspiracy – horrible facts about fishing and ocean
- The Cove – a documentary about the culture of dolphin hunting in Japan
- Electric Fishing kills 57% of the seabed’s population
Fish Farming:
- Fish farming causes distress to fish as they are confined in a small space.
- There is also a high risk of disease in fish farms and there is no doubt that fish suffer as a result.
- Huge quantities of antibiotics have to be added to the water, contributing to pollution.
- Fish farming is also extremely wasteful. For example, it takes 2 to 5 pounds of wild-caught salmon to produce just 1 pound of farmed salmon.
- Scottish Salmon Farming – video from Viva!
- 9 Things Everyone Should Know About Farmed Fish.
Do fish feel pain:
- Fish may actually feel pain and react to it much like humans do – Purdue University
- ‘Do Fish Feel Pain‘ – by Victoria Braithwaite
- Fish Feel Pain
- Lobsters do feel pain
- Crabs can feel pain
- Fish do feel pain – by Marc Bekoff
- Sea Shepherd and Sea Shepherd Ireland
- Fish Experience Pain with Striking Similarity to Mammals
Sentience of Fish: