- Transition to an Irish Vegan Agriculture System – report by James O’Donovan
- Vegan Sustainability Magazine – Irish magazine
- Nature Rising – Irish campaign to remove CAP subsidies for animal agriculture
- Irish Newspaper Articles:
- “It’s time for a new diet. And not just for you” – Irish Times
- “Every sector must manage its impact on global climate” – Irish Examiner
- “Time to make beef-eating taboo” –
- “Irish policy of promoting ‘efficient’ meat consumption is self-defeating” – Irish Times
- “Smart farming needed for the future” –
- “Let’s not cow-tow to sacred cheese industry” –
- Antibiotic Resistance is moving towards a tipping point
- “Raising animals for food contributes to climate change” –
- “Future of Irish farming lies in healthier vegetables” – Irish Independent
- Eating less carbon-intensive food like red meat would help significantly reduce Ireland’s carbon emissions
- Not so green: Debunking the myths around Irish Agriculture
- Dairy expansion among key factors behind significant greenhouse gas emissions in 2016
- Meat consumption contributes to the murder of our planet
- “Meat is Madness: Why it leads to global warming and obesity”
- Irish beef and dairy carbon efficiency called into question
- Average dairy farm emits 502 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year
- Climate Action Committee urges redirection of Irish agriculture
- Scrap Subsidies for Farmers, Scientific Journal declares
- Meat consumption contributes to the murder of our planet
- Beef Sector needs a total transformation
- Books
- Videos
- Graphics, Charts & Illustrations
- Websites
- Developing World
- Newspaper & Magazine Articles
- Transition to Vegan Agriculture
Click on any of the above for a list.
- Why going vegan is the best thing you can do for the planet – James O’Donovan
- Are You Ready To Change The World?
- What timeline are we on for the masses to convert to a plant-based diet – Dr. Richard Oppenlander
- Is grass-fed beef sustainable – Dr. Richard Oppenlander
- Grazed and Confused: How much can grazing livestock help to mitigate climate change?
- The Link Between Meat Eating and Climate Change – Jeremy Rifkin
- Duncan Williamson of WWF on sustainable diets
- How could veganism change the world
- At War With Nature: Roots of Global Climate Crisis – John Gibbons (Part 2)
Graphics, Charts and Illustrations:
- Veganism and the Environment
- Carbon Footprint of what you eat
- Environmental Footprint of Lamb, Beef and Cheese
- More images here
- Climate Healers
- Eating Our Way To Extinction
- Eating the Earth (Viva!)
- Nature in Danger (Viva!)
- Our World in Data
- World Preservation Foundation
- Chomping Climate Change
- Farm Transformers
- Eating our way to extinction
- Climate Emergency Institute
- Food System
Developing World:
- Top 10 reasons to say ‘no’ to animal gifts
- To feed 4 billion more – skip meat, milk and eggs
- Animal Agriculture, Hunger, and how to feed a growing global population – by Richard Oppenlander
- Foreign-Aid Charities which do not use animals:
Newspaper, Magazine and Online articles:
- “UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet” – The Guardian
- Avoiding meat and dairy is single biggest way to reduce your impact on earth – The Guardian
- There’s one big subject our leaders at COP27 won’t touch: Livestock Farming – George Monbiot
- Climate impact of meat, vegetarian and vegan diets – Ethical Consumer
- “Animal Agriculture is choking the earth and making us sick” – The Guardian
- “Insectageddon: Farming is more catastrophic than climate breakdown” – The Guardian
- “Five things would happen if everyone stopped eating meat”
- The EU’s promotion of meat consumption is misguided
- Europe’s Meat and Dairy Production must halve by 2050, expert warns
- The Real Cause of Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs is Animal Farming
- Meat and Dairy Consumption are Destroying Earth’s Wildlife
- 85% of the total soya bean crop worldwide is processed into animal-feed
- Deforestation – livestock destroying the living earth
- Cowspiracy – FACTSHEET
- How Fishing, not straws, is destroying the Ocean
Vegan Sustainability Magazine:
- Water Pollution and Animal Agriculture
- How Animal Agriculture is the Primary Driver of Global Biodiversity Loss
- The Story of Soy – Vegan Sustainability Magazine
- Alternatives to Animal Agriculture
- Antibiotic Resistance is moving towards a tipping point